International student (F1 Visa) looking for health insurance guidance for my newly discovered tumor

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I’ve never had to actually use health insurance before. I would just pay for it as a student. Never been to a hospital either. But a month ago I went to the ER for abdominal pain and a CT scan found a huge mass in my abdomen. The description says it seems nonmalignant. Possibly a cyst, sarcoma, desmoid tumor but they won’t know until a biopsy/surgery. The surgeon at the ER told me it would be “impossible to manage this out of pocket.” But didn’t get into specifics. Upon consulting a couple of contacts who are doctors they say it is likely a desmoid tumor. Upon reading up on desmoid tumors, they can grow aggressively, invasively. So this may be a lifelong issue to maintain

I’m 36 M. Unemployed but with personal savings to cover my first year of school, and borrow money from a sibling for my 2nd year of graduate school at UTMB Texas in September. I reviewed their student health plan. Is a 20% coinsurance after deductible good? I’ve read that student health plans offered by the university are generally bad. How can I assess if a plan will be sufficient for the treatment I will need? And the best compared to others? The yearly cost for this plan $3438. I could call my university to get more info but I don’t know if they would be honest about it since they’re selling it. Will I be ineligible to get treatment for this “mass” since it’s a prexisting condition?

I’ve also read that my visa makes me ineligible for coverage through, but that enrollment periods open later in the year anyway?

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I’d really appreciate if if you could give me any advice and pointers. I’m happy to call places and read stuff, but I want the best and most accurate info. The stuff I’ve heard about the US health system makes me feel a bit helpless