Interesting experience with Cigna

I have a dermatology visit upcoming. I wanted to check beforehand and confirm whether my Cigna insurance covers this visit. I used the live chat feature on the Cigna site to ask this question. After giving the service person the address and name of the place I'm going to, I got a phone call that my phone identified as from Cigna, but something went wrong and the call was dropped. I noticed that I was NOT getting any more messages in the chat, and when I tried to send a message saying that I'd received a call but that the call ended immediately, I saw that my message just disappeared on send, it didn't appear in the chat log.

I ended that chat and started fresh. This time too, after giving them the dermatologist's name and address, I got a phone call after a few minutes, but this time the call did not drop. The guy then gave me the information I needed over the phone, and that was that. Somewhere during all of this I think I had actually tried to send a chat message and found that it just disappeared, much like the one from earlier. I had some trouble navigating his accent, but I think he said that my insurance does indeed cover this.

Anyway, here's the point: I thought it was interesting that in both cases they switch to phone at a certain point to actually give you an answer, and the chat stops working. I'm wondering if it's possible that they're told not to give the answer in chat, that way there won't be a record of it if it turns out they got it wrong? Then again, surely they can record the phone call. Or perhaps they don't? I don't know. Point is: I guess I was wondering if anyone else had used the chat feature to confirm coverage, and if you did did they switch to a phone call like they did with me.

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submitted by /u/SennheiserPass