Insuring a 63yo parent who lives in same house and provides childcare

We're looking to have my mom move in with us in the next year, but I'm not sure how to even structure a Google search for our situation, so I'm hoping this space might be able to help.

My mom is 63 years old, currently works full time, and gets monthly eye injections which her insurance covers with a copay. We live in Connecticut, have two small kids, and we're planning to have her live with us when we find a house. She could potentially transfer to another branch at her company, but our ideal scenario has her quitting her job and providing full-time childcare (with us throwing her some money in addition to providing room and board) until she's eligible for Medicare and Social Security. Until then, would she quality as a dependent and be eligible for coverage under my work-provided insurance? And will having an adult dependent have horrible ramifications when it comes time for us to file our taxes?

If she doesn't quality as a dependent, would she be eligible for Medicaid? (If we give her $24k per year for pay and insurance, we're paying less per year than daycare.) Would she have to go through the marketplace? Generally speaking, would Medicaid or marketplace plans cover monthly eye injections? I don't have the exact medication she gets or the condition it's treating, but according to her ophthalmologist says it's $5k per treatment without insurance.

Apologies if this belongs in a different subreddit (or needs different flair). Please let me know if there's a better place for my question and I'll be happy to repost!

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submitted by /u/lumbasomething