Insurance won’t cover ed treatment

I have severe bulimia driven by food addiction and I’ve been trying to seek out treatment for it but there are no treatment centers in my state that treat it from an addiction perspective. I have already tried an in network treatment center and their approach didn’t help my disorder I ended up relapsing since my eating disorder is more of an addiction rather than body image preoccupation. I recently found an ed center that takes the approach of treating it appropriately in my case but my insurance won’t cover it since they don’t see the difference between the programs in network (which don’t treat food addiction in a proper way for me) and the program I found which does recognize eating disorders as possibly coming from an addictive nature. I did try to appeal already but they denied my first appeal. About to do a second appeal and if it doesn’t work I’m seriously considering taking legal action since my disorder is quite debilitating. I literally throw up 5-10 a day and spend copious amounts of money on food. I feel so pissed. What should I do? I have an hmo plan currently… in Georgia btw

submitted by /u/More-Eye-6599

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