Insurance while on unpaid leave

I’m in NY. I hope I am putting the cart before the horse here, but currently hospitalized and exactly 28 weeks pregnant, baby could come at any time. I started short term disability leave at 26 weeks due to ongoing admissions to the hospital. If baby comes anytime soon, this will of course mean a lengthy NICU stay. I’d like to preserve my PFL (12 weeks) for when baby comes home. This would likely mean there will be a gap between short term disability ends, and when NYPFL begins. I don’t care to work during that time, nor do we need my income. However, I do need my insurance, and we’d like baby on my insurance too as it’s significantly better than my husband’s options.

My question is, say I do need to take a leave of absence between STD, and NYPFL, what happens to my insurance coverage? I would presume it would be about a month and some change max, assuming I deliver via c section (8 weeks STD postpartum) My employer currently pays 100% of my premium, I don’t actually pay anything for benefits. Can they pass any costs along to me during a leave of absence in this case?

submitted by /u/TurbulentIssue5704

See also  STD and LTD with family plan