Insurance told me the wrong information about my policy

Not sure where to post this, but I always see in the comments that some of you work in the health insurance field so I figured maybe someone could chime in!

I just turned 26 and got bumped off my parents insurance. I called prior to my birthday and was specifically told that my insurance wouldn’t terminate until the end of my birthday month, NOT on my birthday. Cool, so I set up my new insurance the 1st of the following month. But…. Long story short, I ended up going to urgent care 5 days after my birthday (1 week before the 1st of the next month.)

Turns out the representative with the insurance company told me the wrong information. My insurance did in fact end ON my birthday. So I was without insurance for about 12 days, and wasn’t insured when I went to urgent care.

I’ve been dealing with this insurance company for a few weeks now. They have verified via the original recorded call that the representative did in fact tell me the wrong information, but they will not waive the $600 payment I owe.

They are telling me it’s my responsibility to know my own benefits and termination date, even though the back of my insurance card specifically states “Questions about your benefits, call us today: 1-800-xxx-xxxx”. I called to inquire accurate information about my benefits.

Any advice on maybe how to approach this? The insurance company is blaming the employer for having a “strict” policy. But this isn’t an issue with the policy at this point. It’s an issue with the insurance company and their expectations of their representatives.

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I am getting married this week and trying to not dish out extra money if I don’t have to (weddings are expensive lol)

submitted by /u/TheDeltaFlight