Insurance stating Overpayment on Paid Claims from February and January?

I might just be fucked but i’m trying to get some information before I can call them on Monday. I opened an overpayment notice from my insurance (Medi-cal Blue Shield of CA HMO) from a mental health related hospital visit in February. The letter is very vague and just says they overpaid the hospital 7,000 so now I owe it to them. I imagine it is due to the hospital being out of network, but i wasn’t really in a state to choose where to go. The attached EOB doesn’t show any of the many charges from the visit they aren’t covering, so I’m kinda at a a loss. The letter doesn’t even directly state any reasoning for it being overpaid, I’m just guessing on the reason. Online, the claims show as paid. There’s no claims online for my time in the psych ward or residential, but I know I owe some amount of money to the psych wards. I’m kinda freaking out and like i guess if this is my oopsie then i just need to live with it, but I’m freakin out man

submitted by /u/Ok-Background7175

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