Insurance refusing to pay or out-of-network claim fully (UHC PPO)

Stated in my benefits:
For out-of-network, I have a coinsurance of 40% after meeting my $250 deductible (which has been met and shown in account).

Went to physical therapy out-of-network, paid $250 for a standard first visit. Got superbill to file online. I have coinsurance of 40% (so insurance pays 60%) so I'm thinking it's going to be ok.

Today I find out that United Healthcare only paid about $105, less than 50% of the claim. WHAT GIVES.

Service: Muscle Training
Amount billed: $50.00
Plan Paid: $18.92
Coinsurance: $12.61
Non-covered: $18.47

For the SAME service, they decide to pay a portion of it, then decide to label another portion Non-covered. Makes no sense of how this is calculated when my coinsurance is 40%??

First time filing an out-of-network claim… Can anyone share how to resolve this?
Should I just contact my insurance commissioner? (In CA)

submitted by /u/bluemagicshake

See also  more info needed on surgery claim that already happened