Insurance reccomandation F1 student – need advice
I am an incoming MBA student in NYC.
I have some preexisting condition so I want the best coverage of good doctors for the lowest out of pocket price per visit even if it means a higher premium.
My 3 options seem to be :
school insurance with Aetna , 4.6k x year , PPO type , 300$ deductible 7.5k out of pocket limit 20% coinsurance on most things ( MRI CTs , Specilists)
NYC essential plan- I have been hearing a lot of fellow students using this. It uses UHC ppo network and has 0$ copay for anything. It also give gym reimbursement etc. but you have to make 15k<. I have income sources in my home country which push me over the limit. Uncertain if it’s worth it to take the risk and lie. In the US I make and report 0 income
other plans : suggestions ?? Isoa, GeoBlue ?
The plan has to be ACA compliant for university guidelines and I want the best coverage / flexibility possible the price is not the first concern.
Many thanks
Edit : Male, 24 y.o F1 visa . Gross income outside USA 70k , gross income inside/ reported to US government 0 ( not yet a resident )