Insurance plan attempting to pay claim but provider is rejecting it


I underwent IVF earlier in the year in Colorado which I have full insurance coverage for with 0% co-payment or deductible. However I am running into an issue because the provider requires that you provide a large deposit which they only refund once they receive all payments from the insurance company.

There is an issue with one of my claims where the insurance company has sent the payment for the claim multiple times but the provider continually rejects the payment for being “processed incorrectly”. No one disputes that the service is 100% covered but I cannot get my final ~$2,000 refunded until I can get the provider to accept the payment from my insurance company.

There is also something strange going on where the provider claims that the insurance company refuses to respond/engage and is hostile and angry when the provider reaches out. That seems very strange to me as my insurance is great and pays all claims promptly. When I call my insurance they seem confused because they haven’t heard from the provider and are trying to get them payment. The insurance company is always more than willing to reach out to the provider when I ask, and it seems like they get somewhere. But when I call the provider back a few weeks later they still claim they haven’t heard from the insurance and the insurance is refusing to work with them.

Frankly I think there is something sketchy going on with the provider as they are witholding ~$2,000 of my money for payments that at their negotiated rate with Cigna they will only receive ~$500 for. So they have no real incentive to have the payment go through insurance correctly.

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Either way, I am very frustrated and wondering if there is anything I can do to get my deposit back and/or move the process along faster.

Here is the exact language on the deposit from the contract with the provider:

I understand that this deposit will be applied towards any amount insurance states is my responsibility after the retrieval cycle is complete and all in-network claims have been processed by insurance (excluding transfer). Any remaining amount will be credited to my account and eligible for refund. I understand that if I do not proceed with the cycle, the deposit will be applied to any outstanding charges on my account (including services rendered prior to cycle cancellation or postponement, if applicable) and the remainder will be credited to my account and eligible for refund. All refunds are processed as a check and mailed to my home address on file