Insurance options for self-employed families with a cancer patient

I left my corporate job last year, and have been paying for Cobra the entirety of 2024. Both my wife and I are self-employed. We run an LLC and an S-corp, but have no W-2 employees. We live in CA, so we planned to make a change to a plan offered by CoveredCA at the beginning of 2025. We are in our 40's with two children under 10. We make enough money that subsidies are unavailable to us. Based on what we've looked at, we're probably looking at $4k per month for the family to be insured — which is doable for us, but we've been paying ~$3k per month on Cobra.

The wrench in this plan is: I was recently diagnosed with cancer, and am in the middle of chemo. I can stay on the current Cobra until May, but would like to switch insurance for a Jan 1 start date, because I'll hit my out of pocket maximums for the year within one or two months.

My cancer diagnosis, while Stage 3, does not seem to qualify for a Cobra extension.

Is CoveredCA our only option? I've seen TPA plans, but that seems complex to navigate, and provides few benefits, unless those are considered "employee-sponsored".

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/ParoxysmalSweats

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