Preface: I have a great job. Work at a company that has a few hundred employees, with 6-8 offices that vary in size (mine has about 30). I make 100K a year before taxes, and really enjoy what I do (Municipal Engineering). The issue I have is that our Health Insurance is absolute garbage. I pay over $500 a month for my family benefits plan (I have a wife and 1 year old), and the plan has almost nothing covered. The deductible is $5,000 and after that, you still have to pay 30% of cost. I don’t understand how it could possibly be this high. At this rate, I’m not sure what the point of even buying into the plan is. My wife is expecting our second child in May and I know the doctor’s visits and the hospital stay will hit our deductible (with our daughter we were on her teacher health pla, which was much better, but she recently left because childcare costs were so high (which is another issue altogether). So essentially I’ll have to throw 8 grand into the first five months of the year. I have to consider looking for another job just to find a better plan, which I hate the prospect of. Idk man I’m just stuck and it sucks. Just wanted to vent.

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