I went into my 32 week appointment today and the lady at the front desk told me I was no longer eligible for the plan I had been using, which was a healthcare plan through medicaid with Meridian. I was soo confused. She asked me what other insurance I had, and I had no clue. She has a ID number to a policy I knew nothing about. It was from my school as I am in college and they automatically enroll you into insurance and you have to opt out, which is Aetna.So this school coverage started in August and I have been seeing my OB since July. They are just now telling me about it. They said I would have had to tell them about it from the beginning but I didn’t even know about it. They said that this would count as my primary insurance and they don’t take medicaid as a secondary insurance.

I called my school and they said they have been getting bills from medicaid from my OBs office and has been paid. So what I am not understanding is why my ob office has to go back and rebill my school insurance from August until now if my Meridian insurance eligibility ended 11/30. My school said that I can cancel their insurance so that I am able to reselect a plan under medicaid, but I am scared as to what this bill may look like from them or if there will even be a bill because as of now I see nothing. I am so confused…If I cancel my school insurance will I have to go back and pay for all of those visits or will it be charged back to my medicaid. I currently still have medicaid i am just unable to choose a PCP because of the school insurance.

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