Insurance is Trying to Charge Out of Network Charges.

I have EPO United Healthcare plan and in January I was looking to get a yearly physical and some blood tests. Since my plan is an EPO I looked for a clinic that's in my network and I found UCLA Health Clinic on the United Healthcare website. I went there and got my tests and phsyical done without a problem. I didn't have any problem with insurance and it was covered and then the doctor who got my blood tests said I am pre-diabetic and I should come in a few months to get tested again. The Issue starts here. 5 months later I went to the same facility with an appointment and no one from the UCLA Health Clinic or my Insurance let me know that they were now out of network. I got my results and on the United Healthcare website it says I have to pay $550. I called UCLA and they said they are in network I appealed it to United Healthcare and they say that I have to pay for it since it's out of network. I don't know what the hell should I do and I appreciate any of your advice on this.

submitted by /u/Reha_A

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