Insurance is finalizing smaller claims and stalling on smaller claims (Florida)

I was in the hospital in May for 3 days due to a back injury. Since leaving the hospital, I have been tracking the claims through my insurance portal. My insurance has finalized 5+ claims for services during the hospital stay for $200, $2k, $150, etc. My deductible is $5,000 with an $2,000 OOPM. but there is a pending claim for $25k for the hospital stay that has been pending for months and was the earliest service date. I called and they said they requested medical documents and the hospital never sent them. I called the hospital and they said they sent them but to a different email than the one my insurance gave me. I gave them the correct email and they said they would submit in 30-45 days.

Because of this, insurance is not covering all of the smaller claims that together add up to almost my deductible and now I'm receiving bills with due dates for this month. I called and they said there was nothing they can do and in 60 days the smaller bills will be going to collections. I called my insurance and they said that the deductible amount is applied when the claim has gone through and it is not based off of service date.

My insurance is NEO Insurance Solutions an it's short term coverage.

Is this correct? They can just stall on the largest claim so I have to pay out of pocket for all of the smaller claims? If this isn't the case, what is the process to overturn or report this?

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submitted by /u/Toni-Bologna