Insurance in WA or NH? Potentially for queer IVF.

I live nomadically, currently legally based out of Nevada. I work contract and the Nevada health insurance marketplace options are very expensive for very little coverage.

I have friends in both Washington and New Hampshire where I can establish residency. Which state offers better health insurance plans? Which plans would make it easiest to receive care while on the road?

I'm planning to do IVF in the next year. My partner is trans and banked sperm before getting a vasectomy. Our default is to go abroad for care, but I've heard that both WA and NH require insurance to cover IVF. I have no known fertility issues. Would either state cover IVF right away? What all is covered? My partner only has a small amount of sperm banked so I don't want to waste any on IUIs. I've heard insurance sometimes require you "try" for a year but that doesn't make any sense for us.

Any advice on picking healthcare plans in either Washington or New Hampshire?

submitted by /u/Dr_and_Dr

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