Insurance for myself as a dependent whos parent doesn’t have insurance

Hello. I desperately need health insurance, but it seems that I can't find any way to do it. So first off, I live in California.

I am 20 years old, but I live at home and attend community college. I have a job, but I only work minimum wage and I only get about 300 dollars per paycheck (on a good week), it's more like 250 normally. After taxes.

at the end of the month, that's like 500 bucks, but the problem is that I'm also paying for school entirely out of pocket, which is already almost 300 bucks a months. My father refuses to help with Fafsa, and he's my only parent, so the cost is all on me. I already have to buy congeries, so I can't afford school, food, and then a 200 something dollars a month healthcare plan.

Every website is saying that I'm very lucky that I'm a dependent because that means I am on my parents health insurance until I'm 26, but my dad doens't have health insurance either. He's self employed and then works part time.

I just cannot find out any plan that isn't going to kick my ass into next week trying to pay for it, and I could really use some help being pointed in the right direction.

submitted by /u/Joker-45-45

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