Insurance ends Saturday and new job begins Monday – just left CCU. Concerns?

Well, I have had an eventful week. We came back from our honeymoon and I picked up a viral infection on the trip which left me with some symptoms and worse, bad chest pain.

The diagnosis was perimyocarditis. I was just released from the CCU after 3 days. I shared my unique insurance circumstance and the CCU team think I will likely be fine on Sunday without insurance.

The reason I would not have coverage is my last day at my current job is Friday and coverage ends at end of month. My new job begins Monday, but obviously if something catastrophic happened, that could cause issues of starting. I think the company knows me well and would still allow me to start so that my medical coverage could kick in, but that’s never a guarantee.

So, now im curious of what my options would be IF I had to get last minute coverage. We are talking last minute, being in a waiting room or my wife performing this duty on my behalf. We could also be reactionary in advance; but we have many expenses from the wedding, honeymoon, and now medical.

I believe I would need to rely on COBRA and was hoping someone here could help explain how this would work and if it could be done “on the fly” in the event of a medical emergency or if I should precariously do this in advance.

Any information people can share on my unique circumstance is incredibly appreciated! Thank you.

For those who may ask, I am feeling much better and just need to rest the next 4 weeks. My heart will return to normal, which is the best outcome.

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submitted by /u/Lyft-GPS-Spoof-Scam