Insurance didn’t cover services 3 years ago, and now I don’t remember my information for the other company — no longer subscribed to either

Hey folks! I hope someone is able to help, as I’m really lost in this situation.

3 years ago I had a procedure that was prescribed by my doctor. At the time I was on my dad’s work insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield), and I was also subscribed to my college’s insurance (although I thought I had opted out of services that year — I don’t remember the name, but it was something like SHIP).

I was supposed to pay like $200 for the procedure, but afterwards, I got a bill for around $4000 because the insurance I’d provided claimed they were not my primary insurance. At this point I didn’t even know about my other insurance. I tried to get my credentials for that insurance to try to put the claim in retroactively, but hit a bunch of dead ends and gave up.

I’ll admit it was the wrong thing to do, but I froze and simply chose to ignore the issue, and they eventually stopped reaching out.

Flash forward three years, and now they’re reaching out again.

What should I do?

submitted by /u/lostanthro

See also  Health insurance companies won’t pay, please help