Insurance denying claim from in-network lab because tests were ordered by OON doc

Hello! Hoping someone can tell me if I'm being given bad information. My job offers fertility insurance thru Win Fertility, the Premier network specifically. My doctor is not in network with Win but I like her a lot so I am paying out of pocket for her treatment. She ordered genetic testing for my embryos thru a lab that is not affiliated with her or her facility, completely separate, and the lab bills me directly. I confirmed with the lab that they are IN NETWORK with Win's Premier network.

I was told today by Win that the lab's claim was denied because it was ordered by an out-of-network doctor, that it did not matter that the lab was in-network at all. In my past experience with my regular medical insurance, this would not have mattered at all – if something is done at a lab that is in-network and the types of tests were covered, coverage would be given. Can anyone tell me if this is completely normal or if I should escalate this with Win? I appreciate any insight – thank you!

submitted by /u/heyitsmelisserr

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