The reason given was “The patient’s coverage does not provide for this psychotherapy service when performed with the reported diagnosis code. Therefore, no payment can be made.”

I’ve gone to several sessions, and nothing was said to me about denied claims. My dad, under the same insurance plan, was able to have his therapy covered. I found out because a claim for something else was denied and I logged in to my account and saw that every single claim I’ve made for the past several months has been denied, including all my therapy sessions. Some of the other claims are being reevaluated, those were denied because apparently, I needed to confirm I have no other insurance (I’ve never had other insurance so I have no idea why they thought maybe I do.)

Is it possible to fix this? I’m terrified because I can’t afford this. I haven’t been charged yet. I’m scared to bring it up to my therapist because what if they think I’m not gonna pay? I want them to be paid of course.

This whole situation has been stressing me out so badly this whole week. I feel like there hasn’t been good communication anywhere. I need this fixed somehow.

See also  Thousands of dollars in medical bill, what can I do