Insurance company told my PT the wrong copay amount. Now I’m being back charged almost $700 for 20+ appointments

I've been going to a physical therapist for a couple months after knee surgery in mid April. For this entire time, I've been paying a $50 copay for each appointment. A few weeks ago, I got a random new bill from my physical therapist stating that I have a balance of almost $700. I immediately called them to question this bill. Apparently, the $50 copay was incorrect, and I should've been charged $90 per session the entire time. My PT office claims they were given the wrong number ($50) in the beginning. They have called my insurance to try and fight this back charge, but my insurance won't budge. My PT office is offering me a 15% discount on the balance owed to help me out with the bill. Basically, I had budgeted to spend $100 per week on PT. Had I known it was $90 the whole time, I would've only been going once per week instead of twice. This situation really puts me in a financial bind.

My next step is to call my insurance myself. Does anyone have any good advice on talking with them to reverse this bill?

submitted by /u/spunkoala

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