Insurance company says my insurance is active, but doctors and pharmacy say it’s inactive?

So long story short, my insurance did not change but I received a letter in the beginning of March that my ID number would change effective May 1st and the old one would be inactive. That letter also said there would be no lapse in insurance. I still have the same plan, same benefits, all that. However it is now May 7th, I have several medications that need refilling (one being $2,500 alone) and already had to cancel 3 doctor appointments (one being one I waited 3 months for) because the pharmacy and all my doctors so far have not been able to confirm active insurance and have wanted to charge me as an uninsured patient. According to the insurance, my plan is active, everything is up and running, should work, all that. They basically said my pharmacy and doctors “must be doing something wrong.” I doubt 4 different companies are all making the same mistake.

I have no insurance card with this new ID number, I had the pharmacy try the old ID number and it comes back as terminated on 4/30/24. My employer that I receive my insurance from sent me a picture saying it is active effective 5/1/24. I don’t know what the issue is here? I even asked the insurance to send me proof of coverage and they said they cannot?! I asked why, was told they just can’t.

But now I’m about to spend just over $4,000 on medications that would typically only cost $50, and the insurance company told me they “can’t even guarantee I will get my money back.” I really don’t understand what to do here, but I am livid. Is there anything I can do because I really don’t want to spend a month and a half of my monthly income on medications, and have a VERY important appointment next week.

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submitted by /u/Alive_Channel6304