Insurance apparently not aware of (or didn’t receive) corrected claim

I'll try to keep this brief: I had a medical procedure done which my insurance company rejected as "not a covered service" and my hospital showed me a balance due of $XXX. I spoke to the hospital billing department who did an investigation, and determined the wrong service code was used. They resubmitted the claim and the balance on my account changed to "Amount due: $0.00, $XXX awaiting insurance response".

It's been sitting like that for weeks, so I reached out to my insurance asking when they were going to review it. And they replied with a one-sentence message: "We have not received an updated claim."

Given that I have no balance due, is this my problem to worry about? Maybe I should just wait for the hospital to realize they aren't getting a response? Or should I nudge them that my insurance is apparently unaware of their corrected claim?

submitted by /u/rvH3Ah8zFtRX

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