Experience with PPO or Kaiser insurance for a major surgery.

Has anyone had surgery with Kaiser insurance? I am scheduled for next week, but I have no idea who the anesthesiologist will be. I wanted to ask the surgeon many questions but felt rushed out, they basically just said we will see you next week, don't worry and rushed me out. I need the surgery but I am finding it so difficult to trust Kaiser insurance. This is considered a "major" surgery.

They also never counseled on risks, even briefly is this normal?

They put on my notes that they counseled me on risks but they didn't?

They also put that Patient denies sore throat, sinus congestion and more on my medical notes but they never asked me these questions, I also am recovering from a cold so I do, is this normal that they didn't ask me but put on my record that they did?

They also put patient has no family history of anesthesia reaction on my notes, but they never asked me if I did?

Is this standard for Kaiser and elsewhere (PPO)?

They also don't know my blood type, but they need to in case of transfusion, will they test for it?

I am asking if this is standard and if I should I go through with this through Kaiser insurance, or wait until next month when my insurance switches to a PPO plan. Thank you.

Age – 20s

submitted by /u/Ily_8536

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