Insurance After Divorce – COBRA, Medicaid, and Marketplace?
I recently lost coverage from my spouse's HDHP. I don't know the price of COBRA yet. I have some settlement money from selling the home we lived in, so I am comfortable living on that while I get my Master's degree.
I went to to sign up for a marketplace plan, filled out all the numbers, and it said eligible for Medicaid. OK. I contacted the state Medicaid office, and they are getting back to me. However, I didn't realize how awful Medicaid can be, even if free or low cost. For example, only 2 dermatologists in the entire state of Utah! I'm thinking this plan won't work.
I don't mind buying my own marketplace plan using my savings. But now the state says if I am eligible for Medicaid, I'M FORCED to take Medicaid? Otherwise, I could decline it they said, but then I would get no tax credits, and would be astronomically high. I can't even price them now because locked me out, saying have to contact the state Medicaid office.
submitted by /u/RustyNail1980