Insane premiums for employer coverage – is this normal?

I recently started with a new, small employer in the SF bay area and was horrified to see the healthcare coverage options. Only Kaiser is offered, and the cheapest option is a a Bronze HMO for $300 a month and an $8,000 deductible, with doc visits still all costing $100-200. The highest coverage is a platinum HMO for $480 a month, where other costs are more reasonable (basically what would be considered a normal plan). There are two in between plans with lower deductibles (2-3k) but 20% coinsurance on everything and doc visits still costing hundreds.

To be clear, this is for single coverage (just me) and these premiums are what would be taken out of my paycheck. In the employment offer it said my emplyer contribute up to $600/month to my premium – does it sound plausible they're contributing anything near that with these options?

If you could share what you pay monthly and if it's a decent plan that would really help inform how I should respond to this. I'd almost be better off denying coverage with this bullshit. I'm 28 and have no major issues but still want to see docs for some stuff, and am active so might need an ER visit once in a while.

Age 28, zip 94122, income 77.5k

submitted by /u/Brilliant-Try-7987

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