Hi all. My wife (34) and I (37) are at our wits end, and are desperate for some guidance. We've been going round and around with Highmark (wife's employer provided coverage in PA – combined pretax income averages around $60k) who told us multiple times via phone and messenger that infertility treatment was covered. They sent us confusing and conflicting documents.

The doctors office provided us a list of CPT codes which we called member services, explained everything, and they assured us it was all covered.

Today, the doctors office told us that they had been in contact with Highmark, and only a few diagnostic and imaging services would be covered. We're beyond devastated. This is absolutely absurd, and neither of us know what to do. We've been trying for years, and we finally decided to try to make it happen, and this is the result. My wife really isn't taking it well.

Would there be some sort of marketplace coverage that might cover this? Could one of us move to a neighboring state and have options that would include it?

Any help, advice, or guidance would be sincerely appreciated.

submitted by /u/BravoEcho3

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