“Ineligible” for Medicaid- med student

Hi everyone! I’m an incoming medical student in about 4 weeks (I’m 24 years old) and I had to apply for NJfamilycare (NJ Medicaid) because I no longer have a taxable income as I quit my job before school starts. I used to get a decent Horizon Omnia plan through the marketplace but I am no longer eligible for the subsidies without a taxable income. Without an income you go straight to Medicaid per GetCoveredNJ (where I got my subsidies through.)The school Aetna plan is $600 a month and I cannot fathom taking out that much additional $ in loans when I’m extremely healthy. I cannot go on my parents’ plans for the next year and a half as my dad is self employed and it would be too expensive, and my mom does not get family benefits. Probably an unnecessary sentiment, but I realize that for a future doctor all of this sounds frustrating/sad, and yes, I’m extremely angry about all of this stress.

I applied for NJ Medicaid (Horizon NJ Health) explaining my situation. I had to apply before I quit my job to time everything correctly as I knew they would take forever to get back to me (and they did, over a month) and I didn’t want a gap without health insurance. As soon as I quit my job I am ineligible for my commercial plan, as I am told. Today I look at my Medicaid application and it says I’m ineligible with no explanation. It did not ask for my parental information, not that it would matter anyway because it’s irrelevant. They just…denied me. I don’t know what to do. I’m calling them on Monday-any advice from you all? Any ideas as to why they denied me? Thank you so much.

See also  Gov Insurance- incorrect in-network info from provider