Individual deductible not applying

I am 21 years old under my stepfather’s employer’s insurance. I was always under the impression that our plan did not have individual deductibles and only a family deductible because that was all that could be seen online. Only a family deductible and individual OOP max. This was also reflected in the way my claims were processed in my EOBs as it would only indicate that I hit my deductible once the family deductible was met until I noticed something.

My stepdad was given new insurance cards for this year. These cards had the deductible written on them. It said both individual and family. I asked my mother “We have individual deductibles now too?” she looked at me confused and said, “We’ve always had individual deductibles.” I was shocked. I had never seen anything online about an individual deductible (the old insurance cards did not have the deductible listed). This is a big deal for me as I see physical therapy and have a separate medical condition meaning I need to see doctors more often, and the family deductible is $3500. According to the card, my individual deductible is $1750, a huge difference for me.

As I mentioned previously, my EOBs were only ever processed under the family deductible. I know for a fact I hit the “individual” deductible way earlier on, but an individual deductible was never met. I connected with an insurance agent today, and this was their response: “Upon checking your policy, your deductible is under a non-embedded plan. This means the family deductible needs to be met for all the members to be covered at the co-insurance level, there is no individual deductible/out-of-pocket maximum.” This was super confusing to me seeing how my insurance card does indicate an individual deductible. Even the one listed on my insurance plan’s website has the individual deductible on it, and my mother was also under the impression we all had individual deductibles.

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Does anyone have any idea what could be going on here and why there are so many discrepancies? If I have an individual deductible I would hope it would be applied.