In your experience, or from what you know, what would you say are the better health insurance companies?

I have a list to choose from in the market place and AmBetter seems like the more affordable option. I think it's the only one with a $0 premium AND $0 deductible. I hate trying to decide this kind of thing, but here I am. The list is…

AmBetter from Superior Health

Aetna CVS Heath

Oscar Insurance Company

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas


Community Health Choice

Molina Healthcare

All are silver plans. I know I'll probably get "the plan you can afford" or "whatever works best for you" but I'm interested in what other people's thoughts are, since I don't really have any real experience as far as overall coverage and customer service. The only coverage I've had before the past few years is insurance through employment and I used it maybe once for a minor back injury. Nothing other than that I can think of.


submitted by /u/Tricktrick_

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