In Progress Coverage – Timing Question for Dental Insurance

I got started with a scan on Invisalign in July under dental insurance that doesn't cover adult orthodontio, so I paid for it fully upfront. Starting in October, I have the option to pay more to upgrade to insurance that covers 50% of orthodontio. My ortho's office said they could refund back any reimbursements they receive from a new insurance plan, if the plan offers "in progress" coverage. I asked the plan provider and they said they do offer "in progress" coverage, but they didn't know how the actual amount was determined if it was 50% of the full treatment cost, or 50% of the remaining proportion of time left on the cost.

I'm on a 170 day plan, and I think basically including the scan and month in between scan and receiving the trays, more than half of the treatment will be done by the time the new plan kicks in. Does anyone know if covering "in progress" treatments always means covering the full treatment cost, or if they somehow cover just the remaining time left in the treatment? (And if its proportional to time remaining, does the length of time begin at the scan or when you get the first tray of retainers?)

submitted by /u/Mawrawr

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