In-network physician is requiring me to sign lien because of motor vehicle accident

I was in a motor vehicle accident about 14 months ago and hurt my back. It was the other persons fault. So far, my health insurance has allowed everything to go through them and then I'm able to have my car insurance company pay the bill after it has gone through insurance.

It's now recommended that I have surgery and everything was setup but now they want me to sign a lien which states I can't use health insurance at all and the cost will come from any settlement with the insurance or I'll owe 100% of whatever they charge with no sort of health insurance discounts.

There's a lot more too this but I'm just trying to figure out if this is legal. The lien says I don't need to sign to get medical treatment from them yet they're telling me something different. I'm going through my insurance now and they say that since they're in network they can't do that but I'm not sure.

submitted by /u/Skip1313

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