In network office, out of network doctor—am I able to appeal?

This is my first time having insurance, which is through my work. I found this doctors office through my health insurance app. I called them to make an appointment, and they set me with this doctor. The doctor told me my insurance would cover me with maybe just a small co-pay.

Surprise! $600 bill. I know it could be worse— but when I expected maybe $100? ouch. I’m trying to appeal by essentially telling my insurance I went to this office because I saw many doctors were in network, I was just unfortunately put with an out of network doctor.

Am I completely screwed or is there a way around this? I’d think this bill is paying the office, not the doctor, but I guess that’s just my silly brain trying to not panic. I just truly don’t understand insurance apparently. I already have thousands in medical from pre-insurance and am dying for an out in this instance. Pls help lol. I’m drowning in medical bills and just want ONE win this week.

submitted by /u/EmmaBly

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