In Network but still asking for financial responsibility signature?

Hi smart folks, hoping for some guidance here.

I have a rather expensive diagnostic test (genetic testing) that a physician has recommended as being useful.

The physician and facility they work with is In Network. The test provider is, as far as I know, In Network (same facility – although I'm asking them to triple check that they're In Network too!)

They're asking me to sign a financial responsibility paper essentially saying "if your insurance doesn't pay, you're on the hook for 10K"

Now, they went to my insurer for a pre-auth and the insurer replied "no pre-auth required for this but it will be reviewed at time of submission".

What's concerning me is that with the insurer refusing to preauthorize it, what if I get a denial, and I've signed a paper that I'm on the hook for 10K. I thought that being In Network meant that they can't request payment from me? Is that paper indicative that they may be OUT of network somehow? Or have I misunderstood the IN NETWORK rules?

I'm on a PPO plan (not HMO) if that makes a difference.

submitted by /u/JingleWriter1

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