In need of advice for returning to US healthcare after living abroad

My partner and I have been working out of the country for three years, and will be returning home to the US in two months. We have not had American health insurance or American income while we've been out of the country and will not immediately have employment upon returning. We're overwhelmed at the idea of finding health insurance and what our best options might be, so we thought we'd ask this sub for advice.

On top of moving back home, another couple of details affect our situation.

We will be getting married in September, so we're not sure if this affects whether we can or should apply for individual plans now.

My partner was also diagnosed with an autoimmune disease since we've been away and we want to make sure that they have adequate care. Would the US system need to qualify this as a pre-existing condition, even though they haven't seen an American doctor about it?

Would we even be eligible to apply for insurance now, as the market does not open until November? Would moving back to the country somehow constitute a "life event" or would we need to wait until after marriage?

Lastly, as we have been earning all of our income from foreign companies we technically have had zero income. Would we be eligible to apply for Medicaid in the interim until we are able to receive health insurance from an employer?

submitted by /u/karly_t

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