My daughter is 1 year old, she had her preventative care check up(supposed to be free) and doctor wouldn’t give vaccines since insurance never approved it. Now, the hospital contacted insurance, who’s saying they’ll only cover $100 out of $800. The hospital said there are free vaccines for people who aren’t covered by insurance, the problem is, insurance is claiming they’re covering it 100%, but they clearly aren’t. Is this legal?

This insurance is so bad, the hospitals won’t even see us without a financial disclosure being signed prior to being seen, it all has to be paid up front. Most primary care doctors won’t even accept us with this insurance.

Does insurance have to cover 100% of the cost of these vaccines if they claim they are?

One more question, the employer promised the entire company in the first insurance meeting, that no one would be balance billed, and they promised as a company, they would pick up the tab. Would this be a legally binding verbal contract, it was said in front of 200+ people. A coworker was balance billed $17,000 for a colonoscopy which should be free preventative care. I was balance billed $400 for my other daughter yearly checkup, again, it’s supposed to be free.

I’m in Wisconsin if it matters.

submitted by /u/Key-Gift-8124

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