I’m terminating this marketplace health insurance

Last year I had to pay like $800 and now is $950 and apparently is what for not using it? for earning a little more? like a grant they give you and if you don’t use it well you pay, except this assumes you will have that amount of money at the end of year just because you made a certain salary, doesn’t take into account other factors that are consuming your salary like debt

I lived without health insurance for over a decade if not 2 decades before, only these past few years I started getting insurance and with Oscar, the cheapest plan ever, which doesn’t cover anything. I never use it except the occasional flu shot, random medicine and occasional visit at urgent clinic and I STILL have pay almost everything. I don’t even have a primary doctor. The plan doesn’t cover squat except the most basic stuff

Right now I do not have $950 extra to pay for that, so now what, this sucks so I won’t have insurance again, not gonna let this happen again at the end of year. This year I made a real effort to calculate my salary so this repayment wouldn’t happen again and yet here we are even though I put my salary as specific as possible

Before doing this insurance thing, I would always get at least some refund when doing my tax return, now is nothing, now I have to pay back? almost 1k no way

The argument is ahh what happens if you have an emergency or a disaster or something, millions live without insurance in this country and even more so in the world.

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I can’t afford to give away $1000 every year for something I almost never use