I’m not allowed to pay out of pocket?

Not sure if this is the place but I'm under Emblem Health essential plan, which is basically Medicaid. (some hospitals disagree) I'm trying to go to a specialist who doesn't take my insurance but I'm paying out of pocket, I've had MULTIPLE issues with this hospital but its one of the best in the state and there aren't many of these kinds of doctors so. ;_; I made this appointment in July, and just got a call from a receptionist l stating I can't pay out of pocket because its "illegal", I asked the receptionist to respond why and how it's illegal and she had no idea and told me the billing department will reach out to me about it. I called my insurance and they were utterly baffled and had never heard of this. I couldn't find anything online other than someone on reddit saying some hospitals will fight about out of pocket stuff with medicaid, but shit this is bizarre? I'm paying out of pocket for another doctor within the same hospital but that's not an issue apparently.

Does anyone have any insight on this and if I can get around it?

submitted by /u/pumpkinspacelatte

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