I’m confused by my University’s dental plan – Help pls

I’m an incoming 1st year at university and I’m trying to figure out how my university dental plan works and need some help. I’m looking into getting fixed braces, which total out to $5,950 paid over the 18 months of treatments. Here’s what my college’s dental plan says:

Deductible: Nil


Basic and Comprehensive Basic Services: 30%

Comprehensive Oral Surgery: 50%

Endodontic and Periodontal Services (excluding periodontal scaling and root planing) and Bruxism Appliances: 80%

Maximum Plan Pays: $700 per covered person per benefit year (Basic and Comprehensive Basic Services combined)

I’m trying to figure out what category fixed braces therapy falls under and how much I’ll end up paying out of pocket. Also, how do taxes fall into this equation? For context, I’m a Canadian living in British Colombia, Canada. Here’s what I’ve deciphered so far:

Braces likely fall under Comprehensive Basic Services??

The plan covers up to $700 per year, so over 18 months, that could be $1,400 (two benefit years).

Here’s my understanding of the financial breakdown:

Total Cost: $5,950 without tax

Insurance Maximum Coverage: $1,400 over two years

Cost After Insurance: $5,950 – $1,400 = $4,550

My Co-Pay (30%): 30% of $4,550 = $1,365

So, my total Monthly Payment Over 18 Months would be: $1,365 / 18 ≈ $75.83

Does this look right to you? Is there something I’m missing or should consider? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!


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