I’m a 20 year old unemployed female and my medicare/medicaid is no longer active, and I need to have an important surgery

okay so background, I live in Alabama and I've never been in charge of my own health insurance before, I don't know how it works or anything about it, I am very new to adulting and I'm unemployed. My mother was killed when I was 18 and I don't have her to help me. I'm scared and upset and confused, I've never had to have a surgery before either. According to the numbers and offices I called, it turned inactive on my most recent birthday, and they said I would have to reapply. I'm going to the office on monday to do try and do that. But the stuff I've read about it online is really confusing. Do I have to pay for it? Am I allowed to have it when unemployment/only 20 years old? How long will it take me for me to be accepted? Will I be accepted? I read that it can take up to 45 days just to be accepted and then several weeks for the card to be mailed to you!! I can't do that, the surgery isn't technically an emergency but it is a medical necessity and I'm in pain. Please help!!

submitted by /u/LivK00

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