I’m 18 with a health condition, and I don’t know the cheapest and most accessible way I can get health insurance.

It's kind of complicated, but I'll try to condense it the best I can.

My parents divorced when I was 14, and they only communicate to each other through me. No matter how many times I told them not to, it was the only option because they refuse to speak to each other, even through text message. I live with my mom, and my dad moved to a different state with his girlfriend. My parents never applied for health insurance nor care for it. My parents' annual gross income is pretty high, with my dad making more, so I guess that's a reason why. Last year, I started having odd symptoms (this was when my dad still lived in my state) and I told my dad, and since his girlfriend is very persistent on having health insurance, he got health insurance for me. I was diagnosed with pituitary adenoma. It necessarily doesn't affect me every day, but I do get symptoms of it daily which is annoying. They put me on medication for a month, but there was no change.

After, my dad spontaneously moved to a different state with his girlfriend, and my health insurance was stopped. I don't have health insurance anymore. If I tell my mom to start a health insurance plan for me, she'll tell me to tell my dad (he has to pay 75% of all my expenses until I graduate college apparently) and they will only communicate through me, which is extremely messy. My mom even filed a lawsuit against my dad over him not paying his share in the expenses for my older brother. Also, since my condition doesn't appear to be physically harming me, she doesn't think its necessary to get it checked out.

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I'm currently a freshman in community college and there isn't health insurance available to me, only to international students who attend that college. I guess it seems pretty normal for me to not have health insurance, since I've never been to the doctors since I was little and there weren't any serious issues that I've dealt with, except now I have a health condition. I don't know any other way to get health insurance other than waiting until I transfer to a university and apply for the health insurance there, which is in 2 years.

submitted by /u/HedgehogNo7352