If my health plan auto renews on the exchange, will the subsidy get paid to the insurance company? (I’ll explain)

I’m currently on a subsidy on the exchange, but helping out family members next year for a few months so my income will drop below and I will pay with savings for coverage.

So I will be in the “coverage gap” in Florida.

My question is it is already asking me to re-enroll for 2023, but I just want to buy a plan directly…..however if I update my income information to the level it will be it will then forward all my information to Medicaid it says…..(which I don’t qualify for)

and it says if I do nothing, it will auto-renew my insurance…..

So as a current insured marketplace subsidy person……how do I renew coverage but just pay it….without having to “apply for medicaid” …since I don’t qualify etc….

Note: I guess my main question is, if I login in November and buy a plan and skip the income section, will it just provide that update automatically to the marketplace that I bypassed the income section, or will it forward my 2022 information and auto enroll me in premium tax credits……..hmmmmmmm thanks!

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