If it legal for an insurance agent to talk to people other than my emergency contact and providers about me??

Hello I’m in Michigan and idk where else to ask if this is the wrong sub let me know and redirect me please haha, 😅 I feeeeeeel like this shouldn’t be legal due to the potential dangers they could have posed to me and my partners and pets safety. And I tried googling it..nada or not specific enough I guess?

Edit: 25 Michigan 48503 currently unemployed while we figure out my health issues.

Just a little bit of backstory about 2 1/2 three years ago, I became homeless due to a domestic violence incident with my adoptive parents … I won’t get into all the nitty gritty but needless to say THEY ARE NOT EMERGENCY CONTACTS AT ALL!

So fast forward to this year I finally was getting help with my health and handling my health since we got on our feet and got our own place so instead of suffering in pain I started to get help.

Any ways my case manager with my insurance would call and check in and such. And the first time we chatted and she asked about my emergency contact I stated my boyfriend and when she asked about bio family as ICE contact I explained to her I was adopted and my adoptive my family was abusive and had hurt me and caused me to be homeless.

Any ways around November I was pregnant(wasn’t planned and found out too late so we took it in stride) so they were checking in more often. But I had a miscarriage in the end of Jan/ early feb and told her that. But then she called a few(like 3 maybe 4) times and I didn’t answer because…you know…depression from my miscarriage…

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Any way one of the last few times we talked I told her about the miscarriage and she was seeing if I needed anything. I said no. Like I said I maybe missed 3 (once a month since the miscarriage) calls total since our last chat.

I NEVER got emails and NEVER got texts, and NEVER got letters, nothing other than 3 maybe 4 calls… which I did return to no answer

One of the last calls being on may 6th.I called her back 10 mins later no reply I left a message and I texted but no reply.

So now Today I got a letter saying that she’s been trying to get ahold of me (her last call was in may..and again no other ways of reaching out other than the text after she called that she didn’t reply to) and the letter also said to call her, so I called her as soon as I read that, the call went through and I left a message only to find out a few hours later she called my adoptive brother. Idk how she got his number…

Since our car is broken and I’m desperate for a ride to the dr. I was gonna meet him at a mall so he could take me to see my dr in a different town otherwise I don’t talk to my brother. And he doesn’t know where I live for my safety.

I ’d never give his info out. Let alone make him a ICE contact on anything every

So as we are talking about my dr appointment he starts saying I’m getting scammed and all this random nonsense, I’m confused and then he asked who is Briana?

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And the only Briana I know is my health insurance coordinator. im like my health insurance care coordinator why? And he says because she contacted him…

So I call Briana and wouldn’t you know it IM BLOCKED FROM HER DIRECT LINE . The one I had called hours earlier… the one she texted me from in may. Like wtf why am I blocked, and why are you contacting my brother…

The only way she would’ve gotten my brother’s number is, if she literally went, researching me and researching my adoptive family and went looking for it… my brother and I don’t post each other on social media my brother and I don’t talk other than this one favor I needed to get to the dr. Like she had to actually deep dive research to find him…

something about this feels really violating kinda like my agent stalked me and my family…. especially since she has never once made an attempt to call my boyfriend who IS my emergency contact…. Like why the hell would she have any reason to go looking for my brother??

I also feel like it shouldn’t be allowed to contact anyone in regard to me who isn’t an emergency contact… I feel like that’s a rule correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that a rule??

So I contact the insurance company and I get a random agent and ask her who my emergency contact is on my documents she said my boyfriend and no one else ….

I then have to explain how my agent somehow found my family and called them idk what she said to them … she could have put my safety at risk since they are abusive and don’t know where I live …. And idk who else she called other than my brother… idk if she told them where I am … ngl I’m terrified my abusive parents may try to hurt me … So now they are investigating….

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Like I don’t know if she called my parents, you know?? Like she could’ve genuinely put me in danger….

submitted by /u/420throwawayacct710