If I take a temporary job that puts my income over the Medicaid limit, will I be automatically taken off my insurance?

State – Illinois

The Department of Human Services has left me on hold for hours every time I call so I'd appreciate any help! I make under the monthly income limit to be approved for Medicaid in Illinois. Recently, I was offered a very lucrative job that could help me clear away some of my debts. The only problem is the job is for a couple months and they're not providing insurance. I've been told I could reapply for Medicaid after I get laid off but I'd rather save myself the hassle if I can.

I wanted to ask, will my Medicaid coverage automatically be taken away the very first month that I make over the income limit? My first paycheck, basically? Because my redetermination date is September-October 2024 (I was recently approved for 2024 coverage this October) and I'll be laid off and back at my old job and under the income limit by that time. Do they determine your eligibility based on your income for each month or just the income you're bringing in during the time of your redetermination date?

Many thanks

submitted by /u/Minkefin

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