I want to quit my job but can’t go without my meds, do I have options for healthcare outside of an employer?

I don’t expect to get health insurance from another job, at least not immediately.

I’m honestly beyond burnt out having to stay at such a terrible job just because I can’t stop taking my meds all of a sudden.

My job is completely unskilled (as far as most are concerned) pays less than $13 an hour, and constantly cuts my hours. Management is toxic. Only good thing is I’m in a union, which MOST companies strictly prohibit (and I live in a “right to work” state, so it’s miraculous this company has a union at all!).

It is not only a dead end job, it doesn’t and never will pay a living wage. I have had trouble keeping jobs, but if I have to job hop some more (it’s not always voluntary) it’d be easier if I at least had reliable affordable healthcare.

I already had an issue WITH health insurance, doctor office and insurance company couldn’t communicate or cooperate, and left me with an over $800 bill for a bloodtest, and over $300 just for the damn doctor visit. I got the bloodtest charge dropped, but they continued to hound me for the $300+, despite the insurance company saying it was covered.

I was threatened to be dismissed as a patient for not paying, and had 30 days, and while the insurance company said them calling would void that (because it was in the process of being fixed) and I couldn’t get dismissed as a patient within 30 days, they dismissed me anyway, and now I have to get a new doctor (an urgent care center refilled my meds for a couple of months).

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I know GoodRX can massively discount my meds, but a doctor is still required to approve refills, which apparently can cost $300+ a visit.

I am completely miserable at my job, and it’s just wasting more of my life. I’d be willing to take risk at other jobs (I’ll be honest, my parents still support me, so I’m kind of privledged, but they can’t cover me on health insurance anymore because I turned 26) if it didn’t mean risking hundreds to thousands of dollars (literally) medical debt, or if I just stop taking my pills (which I’ve taken over 10 years now, one is an SSRI at 200 MG a day!) probably end up in the ER with 5-6+ figures of medical debt that I don’t even have in the bank! (Who does?)

I could also end up paralyzed or otherwise disabled, withdrawal from these drugs, I mean meds, are SEVERE (it destroys your nervous system or something).

I read something about GoodRX covering doctor visits now too? Like they provide telehealth and even prescription DELIVERY? (Which I thought was illegal to send them in the mail, but the law may have changed?)

I mean, I can pick them up at local pharmacies, the out of pocket costs are what will put me in debt, and/or withdrawal.

Please don’t suggest COBRA, as $600+ a month is BEYOND affordable healthcare.

I really hate American healthcare……

If it matters, I live in the state of Texas, United States.

Thank You for your reply.

submitted by /u/unsuredd