I want (kind of need) to quit my joke of a job, but going without health insurance means risking going into thousands of dollars in medical debt.

I already got hit with over $1,000 in medical bills WITH health insurance (they claim they “sent the bill to the wrong place”?). So without health insurance, I imagine being legitimately charged that every month. (Most of that was for a bloodtest, but still over $300 just to see the psychiatrist to refill my prescriptions).

I got the blood test bill resolved (was on parents health insurance and it was before I turned 26, so insurance was still liable/responsible for paying).

But the doctor office kept claiming I owed the other bill (over $300 for a doctor visit just to get my pills refilled).

It sounded more like the insurance company agreeing that they covered it, but the doctor office claiming I “needed to get on a payment plan because it was my responsibility” like a broken record. Like they just won’t acknowledge that insurance agrees to cover it. (They no longer accept ANY health insurance, but they must have at the time, because the blood work got covered, after a bunch of BS hoop jumping, and they should be legally required to inform patients beforehand so they have the chance to walk out and go to a doctor who does still take insurance, not being sneaky and trying to scam patients after they already receive the service under the belief of only owing a $25 copay.

They also dismissed me as a patient (for not responding within 30 days, even though I did and insurance person told me that them contacting them voided that 30 day limit).

I had to go to an urgent care clinic to get refills, instead of just going into withdrawal like I’m apparently supposed to. It cost $75 to see that doctor, but that was WITH HEALTH INSURANCE.

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If I didn’t have health insurance, I’d use GoodRX to discount my meds (until that’s probably banned by the rich Republicans) but psychiatrist visits are still typically $300+ a month, and GoodRX just discounts prescriptions. Prescriptions cannot be refilled without seeing a psychiatrist to approve the refills.

I’m also doubtful that a new doctor will approve 90 day refills as a new patient, which means $300+ A MONTH (out of pocket, without health insurance).

Yes, I have a job with health insurance, but not only does the job/work suck bad, it’s guaranteed to keep me in poverty. I’ve been there over FOUR YEARS, and only went from $8-$12 an hour, more or less, and they constantly cut hours.

Only reasons I’ve stayed are having a union, and needing health insurance.

And while scared of losing another job(s), I’d be willing to job hop (and I’m privileged enough to do so, thank you parents, but I am admitting I’m privileged for a 27 year old adult) just for new potential opportunities, higher pay (even other retail jobs pay over $15 an hour) and, at least breaking out of this cycle……..

I live in a very conservative state, so Medicaid is only for people considered legally disabled (which has its own limitations if I were to even qualify) and those with kids (not me).

I really have nothing to lose, other than going into dangerous withdrawal from three different psych meds that I’ve taken for (2 of them being) over 10 years. The third prevents me from having potentially violent rage outbursts. The other 2 suppress my OCD symptoms.

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I can’t drive and I’m very unsure how to go about trying to start a successful online business or career (Uber/Lyft isn’t NECESSARILY way cheaper than driving your own car).

I’m way behind in life and don’t feel that even “having a job” is leading to progress, like everyone tells everyone unemployed is the solution.

Can GoodRX possibly have discount doctor visits too? Or, I read they might actually offer low cost telehealth appointments?

I’m sick of being stuck in life.