I think my doctor is committing insurance fraud

I had a procedure done in May of this year. My insurance at the time was Cigna, which my doctor said wouldn't cover the procedure. He did say, however, that I could pay out of pocket for the procedure and the amount would be applied to my OOP deductible. Paid $1k OOP and it was worth every penny.

I just got my EOB from Cigna for that procedure all the way back in May and, to my surprise, my doctor billed them $7400 for the procedure. Of course Cigna negotiated it down and ended up paying around $3k. At the bottom of the EOB is my expected amount owed, which just lists my copay of $50. There is no mention anywhere of the $1k I paid OOP for the procedure and it hasn't been applied towards my yearly OOP. As far as the insurance and EOB is concerned, my insurance covered this procedure in full other than my $50 co pay.

Is it a common practice for a doctor to tell the patient the procedure cost one thing while charging the insurance an entirely different cost? Wondering if I'm missing something.

submitted by /u/gold3lox

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