I think I’m either being screwed on purpose or my doctor is accidentally billing me?

I just turned 26 not even a year ago so health care confuses me. For some context, I see an allergist pretty regularly. They put me on a new medication that was just approved by the FDA, so they like me to come in every couple of months.

I was looking at my budgeting app that connects to my bank account (Rocket Money). They pick up on any transactions that might be subscriptions. This morning I noticed that they think my doctor is a subscription and have outlined every date they charged me. It seems that they’re charging me exactly $130 on the 2nd of every month since October 2022. I don’t even see them every month I see them every couple of months. Also, I’ve already put $192 toward my $500 deductible through other doctors visits so this isn’t a deductible thing (I don’t think). I’ve also never received any kind of surgery or costly procedure through them so I shouldn’t have anything major to pay off. Anyway, I panicked and ran to my BCBS portal and also noticed they hadn’t filed any claims.

Should I be concerned?

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