I think I hit that welfare cliff. Medicaid help. Massachusetts

I live in Massachusetts. I've been on MassHealth for a good bit, and recently got a better job. Right now, I pay 110$ a month for a Silver plan with Tufts with a separate dental plan, this is due to a tax credit where they are paying a bit over 300$ toward my insurance. I have no deductible, and a visit to the doc is like 15$. However I recently got a small raise, and after updating my application, have found out that I no longer qualify for mass health at all, which means starting in January, my health insurance cost is going to rise almost 400%.

Now right now, I have a doctor I really like, and the entirety of my care team is within the network. Im talking a sleep doctor and an orthopedic specialist. I could go with my jobs insurance, but that would mean a completely different hospital, new care team, and its aetna, known for denying any and everything.

Any ideas on how I can stay within my network, without paying near half a grand a month in insurance? I dont make much, gross will be about 46,000 a year.

submitted by /u/lolzeph

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